Fiona & Sandra's Wise Woman's Blog...

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How Do You Feel About Your Breakup?

November 14, 20233 min read

At first, I needed and tried to make sense of it. I struggled so much, cried so many tears, felt worthless like I’d been traded in for a younger model and I doubted anyone would ever want me.

As time went on and I got the clarity, I started to work through my pain. I knew I was stuck and hurting and I didn't want to be living the way I was. I didn't want to be broken be sad.

For me, I had to just go and do my work and become whole again and I did that through surrounding myself with positive role models and discovering a whole swag of new tools and choosing to be the best version of myself possible.

You can and will get through this IF YOU WANT TO!
What happened doesn't have to define you and you have the right and you deserve to be living the life you actually choose - not the one you find yourself in! I wanted to create a new story for my life going forward. I have used it as an opportunity to start again.

I'm actually now so grateful that my husband left me, as I am doing things I would never have been able to do if I hadn't been woken up. Everything has changed.

I took ownership of what I did to contribute to the breakdown (as regardless of how thin you slice the lemon, there are two sides) and I used that understanding to fuel myself forward.

Being stuck in grief, blaming, revenge, jealousy and spite were just giving my power away and it didn't serve me, my kids, the situation, my husband, family or the wider community.

I knew I was meant for so much more!

My greatest wish for everyone in this group is to use what happened to you as the impetus to stand up and take control of your life.

It's such an adventure and the feeling of being free to be the person you want to be is inspiring. I'm happier, more confident, wiser, a better partner, mother, daughter, sister and friend than I ever was.

Once I learnt to truly love myself, I gave up playing small and attracted a gorgeous man into my life. He's everything I always wanted; masculine, enlightened, committed, his own person, and we came together after both having done our own work.

I don't have to carry him, fix him, overcompensate or work hard on our relationship. I don't need him to do, fix or heal me.

For the first time in my life, I am free to just be ME and that is worth every bit of pain I've been through.

I believe everything that happens to us is for our higher good. You are here and I know because of that, you are exactly where you are meant to be.
You can create your own reality by the choices you make.

I know suffering is optional - It begins and ends with YOU!

It's funny but others see in us things we often can't see ourselves and sometimes you just need someone to encourage us to STEP UP so we can STEP INTO our own power. If you need some support, please reach out and message me.

It's my honour and I love to be a stand for all the ladies in the group. I know every one of you beautiful ladies has unique gifts, talents and a strength that you may not even be aware of.

I can help you discover and see your own greatness.

The magnificent life that you have always wanted awaits you. All you have to do is claim it. We’re not saying that it will be easy, but it is possible.

Allow us to help you begin on that journey of healing, growth, and love.

You can get started on your self-development journey by joining "Getting Life & Love Right" membership site, where you will have access to weekly content to keep you motivated, help you move on and start your healing process.

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Fiona x

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Fiona May

Fiona May Steddy is the founder of Women On Transition. Fiona has coached over 20,000 women to transform their lives and move on after separation of divorce.

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