Fiona & Sandra's Wise Woman's Blog...

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Are You Soothing By Over Working?

February 27, 20243 min read


Ms X came to me with no work/life balance as she was drowning herself in work to keep herself busy.

She was a super successful woman and recently separated. Her husband had left her as she was always at work. Her two kids were married - and her work had completely taken over her life.

She had no boundaries, was critical of herself, judgemental of everyone else, and on the verge of losing everything she’d worked so hard to create.

Ms X had been sacrificing her husband and family for her career for many years. She was feeling guilty, like she was letting everyone down but her work gave her significance.

When she found herself unexpectedly single and struggling to understand why her husband left her, she signed up for our program. In only 12 weeks, she found what she'd been running away from and transformed her mindset about herself, her ex-husband and her situation. She realised she’d been running on empty and was burnt out.

Here's what she had to say...

"The Shine program showed me how to stop making my work my entire life. I still love my job, but now I just don’t let it rule my life. I finally know how to manage my stress and burnout and I now know why I've been so driven and was pushing myself so much. I now am committed to getting some balance in my life and to meet my needs and my family’s needs.

Along with my professional career all of my relationships have changed for the better. With my children, I am more present, less reactive, less critical and more compassionate. I prioritize them now in my life. The course helped me become a more conscious co-parent and ex wife. I learn to process my past and go deep on finding myself and healing my soul. I've learnt what's truly important to me and be able to function without fear. It’s a whole different level of relationship I have with myself and for the first time I love myself.

Because of this program, everything has fallen into place. I’ve learned that my purpose in life is to be all in, be present, be alive in everything I do while being kind and compassionate with people around me. Having the fundamentals in place, being able to review the modules, have the best coaches and my “shiny sisters” to support me is fantastic. The tools you have given me allow me to feel confident, happy and work through everything!

Even in the midst of the corona virus, I was fortunate to be able to control my mind and fall in love with myself and heal my broken heart. I never realised what was driving me and how I really showed up. I love my family and yet I was pushing them away. Now we all have much better relationship. I know I can handle life’s challenges when they come my way thanks to this program."

Here's what I want you to understand... Ms X had spent year's trying to fix her marriage, her husband and herself but hadn't got the tools and help she needed. She was sick of talking about the issues and wasting her money. She is a smart, switched on lady. She "knew" what she needed to do conceptually in order to improve her life, but she didn't actually have the real steps to change her patterns and her life for good. When I coached her and gave her the right tools and skills she was able to grow beyond what she knew, broaden her mindset and navigate her way through her blind spots. She's now bigger and better version of herself, lovs her life and is truly happy, whole and complete for the first time.

Is it your time to SHINE?

Fiona May xx

PS: Send me a message if you'd love to improve your mindset and learn to feel better and been waiting for the right help and step-by-step system to change your life.

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Fiona May

Fiona May Steddy is the founder of Women On Transition. Fiona has coached over 20,000 women to transform their lives and move on after separation of divorce.

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