Fiona & Sandra's Wise Woman's Blog...

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Finding Harmony and Balance Between Our Masculine and Feminine Energies

January 02, 20242 min read

For years I worked in a masculine-dominated industry - so I was in my extreme masculine most of the time. Which was perceived as strong, fiercely independent, low-maintenance, ‘don't mess with me’ attitude. I worked my butt off, hustled, worked some 20hrs days - I kid you not.

I prided myself in providing for myself, buying myself whatever I wanted - wearing my independence, I don’t need anyone like a badge of honour!

I had never heard of masculine and feminine energy. I was just being me and it felt normal. Yet when I started to date after my divorce I couldn’t meet a lovely guy, I couldn’t be vulnerable and I hadn’t a clue about receiving and allowing someone to be there for me. So I always attracted non-committed, unavailable men who couldn’t give me what I wanted deep down inside.

It was only when I began to really look at myself, and heal my secret childhood trauma, that my feminine energy began to emerge.

Now I know how to harmonise the two and feel safe in my feminine energy, instead of feeling afraid and feeling vulnerable.

This led me to leave my masculine career, so I could help others.

Don’t be afraid to look at yourself, understand yourself with compassion and patience. Understanding that EVERYTHING comes from us - is when you’ll find your power, and begin to attract what you want.

Outside circumstances, people or situations are not what needs to change. It’s ourselves.

When we change, what we call forth changes.

Very quickly, I met my now fiancé, and we have a beautiful life together, I continue to have my own business, and we are an amazing team manifesting the life we want.

I put it all down to working on myself and finding this balance.

I truly hope any lady here who is a driver and doer, takes a minute to reflect on how nice it would be to be looked after and nurtured a bit. Because if we want to attract a truly masculine man, we can't repel him by being in our masculine energy. Polarity happens when opposite energies merge.

This will happen much easier when we learn how to balance our energies. If you need a hand, you can learn more in my
free training.

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Fiona May

Fiona May Steddy is the founder of Women On Transition. Fiona has coached over 20,000 women to transform their lives and move on after separation of divorce.

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